This is the homepage for our lab at USC Institute for Creative Technologies, led by Prof. Mohammad Soleymani. We are also affiliated with the Computer Science Department, USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
Our research focuses on recognizing and generating human behaviors, social signals and emotions. To this end, we perform multimodal machine learning to analyze verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Our ongoing research include generative AI, multimodal machine learning, mental health assessment, multimodal interaction and facial expression analysis. To know more about our research, you can check our research page.
If you are interested in joining our lab please check ** (this page.) **!
One paper accepted to CVPR 2025.
August 2024We welcome our new PhD students Ashutosh Chaubey, Zhangyu Jin Kevin Joo and Zongjian Li.
July 2024Two papers accepted to ECCV 2024.
May 2024Yufeng Yin has successfuly defended his thesis.
May 2024A paper accepted to ICML 2024.
April 2024We have received an NIH grant led by Maryam Shanechi .
March 2024A paper accepted to FG 2024.
August 2023We welcome our new doctoral student Maksim Siniukov.
August 2023Two papers accepted in round 1 at WACV 2024.